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Alex Coley & Afterlove



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Photo by Katy Maclachlan
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Built around his soulful, worn-in voice and wrapped in tender harmonies, Alex Coley & Afterlove explore the elemental tension between joy and pain; heartache and healing; what was and what will be. Alex Coley is a Nova Scotia-based songwriter and indie-folk musician with an affinity for novelty, big feelings and good questions. Music has always been a compulsion for Alex - his headspace an enduring and immutable arc of melody. It became an obsession after a long drive across the Maritimes with his dad. It was the first time he heard Joni Mitchell’s ‘Both Sides Now’ over the crackly speakers from the back seat of his dad’s red Ford Aerostar. Like all things worth enduring, Alex’s relationship with music has been complex, terrifying and inevitable. 


In his debut album The Arc, made possible by a Canada Council grant, Alex’s thoughtful songwriting uses the personal as a portal into the universal. His vulnerable and intimate lyrics will be sure to dredge up feelings you forgot were there - inviting you to gracefully move through melancholy. The deeply emotional, stirring songs offer a clarity you can often only find when you get really quiet; at the end of a long winding road travelled alone. His songs seek to articulate what we lack the vocabulary for, helping us make sense of the things that often don’t. 


The album was written in isolation, but came to life in community; it is alive with the people and landscapes that were foundational to its creation. Most of the recording happened in a small studio in rural Nova Scotia during the heat of the summer, nestled amongst an old birch forest, with all six bandmates crammed between an old CRT TV and an Atari game console. Alex and his bandmates, Braden Kamermans (bass), Ted Morris (drums), Connor Robins (lead guitar), Sarah Roberts (harmony), and Dan Richards (keys), each brought their unique sound and perspective to the album. The Arc was produced by bandmate and friend, Braden Kamermans (Sleepy Kicks), who encouraged the disruption of folk cliches by offering a less predictable and more scuzzy sound.


The Arc arrives at the end of this locked-down, fearful era when gazing backward was all we had, serving as a beautiful reminder of the transformative power of introspection. The songs that emerge are both melancholic and hopeful, capturing themes of nostalgia, resilience, heartbreak and unexpected clarity. Alex Coley & Afterlove’s music reminds us that the darkest, windiest days are often the days we feel deeper and love harder.

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"The marriage between the bass and drums will lead you to believe that you’ve just opened a time capsule, and within the first fifteen seconds of “Courage and Crime,” listeners will already find themselves yearning for the rest of the upcoming album."

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“Courage And Crime” is an essential song and you won’t regret listening to it. every second of the track is almost breathtaking."

"Courage and Crime is such a specific time and place for me. At the beginning of the pandemic, I would walk to the ocean, and because we weren't allowed on beaches at that time, I'd get as close as I could without stepping on the sand and hide in the tall grass, careful not to disturb the sandpipers. But the landscape doesn't really speak to what the song is about, it just places it. The song is more about negligence and complacency. The kind that comes from being so consumed by something that you forget to blink. This song was my moment of realization that I hadn't read the news, or gone on a date, or asked a friend a good question for I don't know how long. So, it’s a song about what gets in the way of all those things."
- Alex Coley

“Silent in my Car” — released on November 15th 2023 is Alex Coley & Afterlove’s second single off their debut album, The Arc. 

“ The deeply emotional, stirring song offers a clarity you can often only find when you get really quiet; at the end of a long winding road traveled alone."

"“Silent in my Car” not only checks off our boxes with its arrangement and production, but it completely nails the emotional content that we so often seek in the realm of indie folk."

"This is a song about despair and futility. This is the hitting rock bottom moment of the album; in my life, it was the moment I accepted what had happened and faced the possibility that it might never happen again. It’s about loss of hope and being so discouraged that you begin to question everything. I write music in the pursuit of frisson; making beautiful moments that stir big feelings in the listener. I still get chills when I listen to this song - perhaps it’s because I know what it’s about and it takes me back to a dark moment, but maybe it’s also because of how the song comes to a crescendo and really captures a feeling of desperation. "
- Alex Coley


“Courage and Crime” — released on October 25th 2023 is Alex Coley & Afterlove’s debut single. 

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Live Performance

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"Alex Coley & Afterlove elicit nostalgia on emotional single (Courage and Crime)"


"Coley’s vocal arrives and although this is the first time we’ve ever heard him sing, he has one of those voices that immediately feels like home."
"Canadian outfit deliver a wonderfully warm and shimmering slice of folk-pop gold"


All photos by Katy Maclachlan
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